Kayak and Canoe Accessories Installation and Repair Services

Since 1994, the owner of NES has installed a wide range of paddlesports accessories and repaired kayaks and canoes of all makes and most materials including linear polyethylene, crosslinked polyethylene, Royalex, fiberglass, PVC, and Kevlar. Fine woodworking and advanced composites repair is not our forte. Standard wooden and caned seats and gunwales replacement accepted.

  • Do you have a crack(s), hole, gouge?
  • Or need parts replacement or repair such as a failing or missing bulkhead, gasket, buckle, seat, hatch cover, skid plate, handle, gunwale, yoke, thwart, keel strip, deck plate, or something similar?

NES also has moderate to expert experience installing:

  • GearTracs
  • Pad Kits
  • Rudder systems
  • Trolling motor systems
  • Anchoring systems
  • Navigation systems
  • YakAttack and Scotty mounts and attachments
  • Roof racks of all makes and models
  • Storage systems
  • and more

Please contact us. We will promptly document everything we need to know, source any parts and materials required, and prepare a reasonable installation or repair quote for you.




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